Thu 03 Sept 2020

New redundancy podcast series

Our new redundancy procedure podcast series provides a step by step guide to handling redundancies. 

Although the aim of furlough and the return to work bonus was to safeguard employment, unfortunately, for many employers, these measures will not be enough to avoid redundancies.  Redundancy is a potentially fair reason for dismissal, but following a fair procedure is essential.  During August and September we are running a series of podcasts providing step by step guidance on carrying out a fair redundancy procedure (where fewer than 20 redundancies are proposed), from consultation through the selection process to dismissal.  These practical bite size guides, produced weekly, will provide employers of all sizes with a clear understanding of the steps they should be taking if they need to make reductions to their workforce.

You can access our redundancy procedure podcasts by clicking on the links below:-

Redundancy procedure: overview

In the first of our series of podcasts on redundancy procedure, Innes Clark and David Hossack discuss the key elements of a fair redundancy process.

Redundancy procedure: consulting on the proposals

In the second of a series of podcasts on redundancy procedure, Innes Clark and David Hossack discuss how to consult on the business case in a redundancy exercise.

Redundancy procedure: redundancy pools 

In the third episode of our redundancy procedures podcast series, Innes Clark and David Hossack discuss how redundancy pools are created.

Redundancy procedure: redundancy matrix 

In the fourth episode of our redundancy procedure podcast series, Innes Clark and David Hossack discuss the do's and don'ts of a redundancy selection matrix.

Redundancy procedure: further consultation and dismissal

In the fifth episode of our redundancy procedure podcast series, Innes Clark and David Hossack discuss the further consultation steps that an employer needs to take prior to taking any decision to dismiss.

Redundancy procedure: alternative employment 

In the sixth episode of our redundancy procedure podcast series, we consider the need to look for alternative employment for at risk employees including a look at the special rules that apply to employees on maternity leave.

Redundancy procedure: softening the blow

In the final episode of our redundancy procedure podcast series, Innes Clark and David Hossack discuss the importance of implementing any redundancy in a humane way and the steps employers can take to help employees through the transition.

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