Legal Expertise
Our People
Life at MFMac
Agricultural & Rural
Asset Protection
Banking & Financial Services
FCA Introduces Temporary Changes to Handling Rules for Motor Finance Complaints
The Financial Services and Markets Act 2023: PAR revocations
The Banker's Duty of Confidentiality
Hints and tips to survive the cost-of-living crisis
Staying awake through legal and financial services communications
UK Supreme Court further narrows scope of the Quincecare Duty - Philipp v Barclays Bank plc [2023] UKSC 25
Artificial Intelligence: regulatory changes and the impact on the banking world
Consumer Credit Reform: a chance to modernise information requirements
Authorised Push Payment (APP) Fraud - Supreme Court grants permission to appeal the Philipp v Barclays Bank judgment on Quincecare duty
The rising cost of borrowing: what now for UK mortgage borrowers?
Consumer Duty rules confirmed by the FCA
UK Government confirms future regulation of Buy-Now Pay-Later
A big week for Consumer Finance: CCA Reform and Cost of Living Update
FCA strengthens "use it or lose it" permissions powers
Cost of Living Crisis: FCA and Bank of England updates
Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act - Statutory Pledges Summary
Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act - The Registers
Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act - Insolvency Issues
Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act - Assignation of Claims
The challenges of using social media influencers to promote financial services
Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act - Statutory Pledges
FCA takes action against BNPL firms for potentially unfair contract terms
The FCA's proposed new Consumer Duty: putting consumer interests first
Lawful Act Economic Duress and Commercial Contracts
Buy-Now Pay-Later regulation - where to draw the line?
The FCA could be coming to your house
For the FCA ESG = TTT + TT
Sustainability linked finance products - possible benefits for borrowers
Asset Finance in Scotland
Key Differences between Scottish and English Security - Part 3
Key Differences between Scottish and English Security - part two
From LIBOR To Risk-Free Rates
Key Differences between Scottish and English Security - part one
Consumer Credit update: information sheets and SECCI updates
BNPL needs to be regulated now so we don't all pay later
Discontinuation of LIBOR: UK Finance releases guide for banks and lenders
Business Banking Resolution Service (BBRS) launches
Pay as You Grow options
Validity of Appointment of Administrators
FCA consults on proposals to cap charges levied by Claims Management Companies
Personal guarantees - some considerations for guarantors
The Re-Suspension of Wrongful Trading Liability
International Day of Banks
Enforcement of a floating charge void where administrators appointed in breach of the terms of an intercreditor agreement
Readiness for a zero or negative Bank Rate
SMCR: timeline for solo-regulated firms directory of certified and assessed persons requirements
Scottish Parliament Act requiring the establishment of the Scottish National Investment Bank now fully in force
FCA new guidance
All Sums Guarantees - a Clarification to "Dowling"?
Pathway Finance Sarl v London Hanger Lane Centre Ltd
The Return of Crown Preference
We need to talk about money
Quailing under a Sword of Damocles whilst trapped 'twixt Scylla and Charybdis
Financial Services Remediation: putting things right for the customer
Contract: Recitals or Operative Clauses, who would win in a fight?
Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Bill (the "Bill")
The Benefits of an Internal Secondment
Can hypothetical remarks with no victim be unlawful discrimination?
Employee awarded £2m for workplace invention
Nicoll v Promontoria (Ram 2) Ltd: Notice of Assignment Containing an Unverifiable Effective Date Can Still be Valid
Set Off - Recent High Court Decision - Case Analysis and Commentary
Are your mortgage terms for additional borrowing fair? They might not be!
Sale and hire purchase back in Scotland
Guarantees: some key pointers
The Senior Managers and Certification Regime - Less than 5 months to go. Are you prepared?
Financial inclusion is essential, financial services are a utility
Guarantees and the purview doctrine - An unhelpful encroachment into commercial transactions
FCA final findings on motor finance
2019 to-do list? Get your procedures for Bereavement, Guardianship and Powers of Attorney in order
Fintech and the investment options for Blockchain
Fintech - usage and investment
Fintech - the basics
Enterprise goes into reverse for floating charge-holders
Five things you might not realise about Guernsey, Alderney & Sark
Brexit impacts on Consumer Credit regime
Are your Brokers Authorised to do Business?
The problem with SONIA as an alternative to LIBOR
The Isle of Man - Five things you might not realise
FCA consults following review of high-cost credit market
The new FCA rules on creditworthiness and affordability
Five things you might not know about the Prudential Regulation Authority
Balancing statute and conduct - perhaps the juggling act is being recognised
Five things you might not know about the Payment Systems Regulator
Five things you might not know about the Competition and Markets Authority
Consumer Credit update: information sheets and FCA office move
Five things you might not know about the Financial Conduct Authority
Third Party Rights in Scotland
Is writing Asset and Invoice Finance business in Scotland about to get easier?
Scottish share pledges and PSC registers: Vexed issues for lenders
Scottish Block Discounting
A New Year, and a new form of security is on the horizon for Scotland
Lachlan MacDonald v Clydesdale Bank plc: Duties owed by banks to customers
The FCA, Intermediaries, and Commission Payments
Invoice Finance In Scotland - Another New Problem
Assignation of standard securities: Case Update
You Can do Block Discounting in Scotland
Insolvency Update: Donnelly v The Royal Bank of Scotland plc
Equity Release Mortgages - the requirements
Prohibiting ban on assignment of receivables
Bankruptcy in Scotland - all change (again)
Changes to FCA regulation of instalment credit
But it's not equitable: Invoice Finance in Scotland
Securing moveable assets in Scotland
Mortgage lender conveyancing panels and conflicts of interest
The need for independant legal advice
Market Consolidation in the IFA Sector
Outsourcing, Third Party Risk Management & Operational Resilience: PRA Final Policy and Supervisory Statements Published
The cost-of-living crisis and mental health
Are UK beneficial ownership registers incompatible with fundamental human rights?
What is Consumer Duty about?
Debt markets - the gathering storm & darkening skies. Lessons learned from Lombard v Skyjets
Scottish land registration restrictions take hold for Overseas Entities
Creditor behaviours and responsible practices
Invoice Finance in Scotland
Implications for Directors under the Finance Act 2020
HM Treasury to make changes to CCA default notices
A worrying warning for public sector leasing business
The FCA and another difficulty with Asset Finance
SMCR - A Refresh for the New Year
Financial Abuse, would you know it if you saw it?
Update on the FCA's Rent-to-Own proposals: new price cap and a point of sale ban on extended warranties
New BCAP guidance for small print in TV ads
Closure of the Sasine Register to Standard Securities - 1 April 2016
Separate representation for mortgage lenders
Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act - Enforcement of rights in terms of the Statutory Pledge
Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act - Assignation of Claims Summary
Stanford International Bank, the saga rumbles on
Financial Sanctions
Key Differences between Scottish and English Security - Part 4
LSB Announces Stronger Protections for SMEs Using Personal Guarantees
FCA’s Cash Access Rules: Protecting Your Right to Choose in a Digital Age
Hopcraft Judgment on Commission Disclosure has potential reach beyond Motor Finance
Finfluencers: Finance Unfiltered
Charities & Third Sector
Building Safety Act 2022: Prescription, what has changed?
The Building Safety Act 2022: What is the New Homes Ombudsman Service Scheme?
The Building Safety Act 2022: What are Claims and Cost Contribution Orders?
The Building Safety Act 2022: What liabilities are created by the Act?
With the news of increased insolvencies in the Construction Sector, what protections, as Employer, can I put in my contract?
What happens if I can't secure the materials required?
What can I do to insulate my supply chain?
Does my construction contract safeguard me from inflation and if not, what can I do?
What do I need to consider when agreeing a new construction contract?
Cladding Update from Scotland
What records should I keep to help me claim additional time and/or money?
My contract does not contain a completion date. Is time at large?
My contract does not contain a liquidated damages provision. Can I still claim damages for delay?
What are liquidated damages and when are they payable?
I am entitled to additional time; can I also claim additional money?
Are there any time limits under either the SBCC or NEC suite of contracts under which I need to notify a delay to a project?
I have an NEC form of contract; I have not issued an Early Warning Notice
I have an NEC form of contract. When do I need to serve an Early Warning Notice?
Who owns float?
There are multiple reasons for delay to the project, and only some of them are my fault. Can I get additional time?
What factors are considered in deciding an extension of time request?
I have submitted a claim for additional time; how long do I have to wait for a decision?
What is a Relevant Event and what effect does it have on the completion date?
When does the employer have to hand over the site to the contractor and what are the consequences if they do not do so?
Clarity for Construction Bulletin
How can construction businesses work with their supply chains to minimise disputes?
Can I include a pay when paid or pay when certified provision in my construction contract?
Can an Employer refuse to pay back retention sums?
Schedule of Valuation Dates
When is the final payment due?
Pay Less Notice - Not Issued
Why is a Pay Less Notice so important?
When should a Payment Notice be issued and what happens if one is not issued?
Right to work and sub-contracting
Do I need to issue an application for payment?
Do I have a right to interim payment?
Payment provisions
What are the Commonly Used Terms in the Construction Contract Payment Process?
What is the Payment Process in a Construction Contract?
Enforcing Adjudicator's Decisions in Scotland - The Differences
Enforcing adjudicators’ decisions in Scotland
Can I re-adjudicate a dispute?
What does it mean to finally determine a dispute?
What are the grounds for resisting enforcement of a decision?
What happens if I am unhappy with an adjudicato's decision?
Do I have to pay the adjudicator's fees if I am unhappy with the decision?
What happens when the adjudicator's decision is received?
The Respondent has raised new evidence in their Rejoinder, what should I do?
What does a party have to do during an adjudication?
What happens if the Respondent doesn't participate in the adjudication?
What is a jurisdictional challenge and what happens if one is raised?
Do I have to accept an adjudicator's terms and conditions?
If you want to omit make sure the contractual glove fits - the importance of clear drafting
I have various disputes can I refer these in one adjudication or split them up and have one adjudicator decide on them?
How do I appoint an adjudicator if there is no adjudicator named in my contract?
What does this mean? Commonly used terms in Adjudication
What is adjudication?
Records, Records, Records…
Combating the Rising Cost of Adjudications
Risky Business
Collateral Warranties & Prescription
NOM, NOM - Some Food for Thought
Does your performance bond do what you expect it to do?
Are Smash and Grab Adjudications still relevant?
HGCRA Week 9: "Notice" the Construction Act
HGCRA Week 8 - Suspension
HGCRA Week 7 - Paying Less
HGCRA Week 6: Payment
HGCRA and Residential Occupiers
Operating in Construction
Constructing the Team - 20 years of the Construction Act
What is a construction contract?
VAT Reverse Charge for Construction Services
The Grenfell Effect on the PI Insurance Market
The Sector Sessions: Neil Kelly in Conversation with Alan Wilson of SELECT
Adjudicators' Fees and Decision Enforceability – Do you Have to Pay?
NEC and the Principle of Good Faith in Contracts: Decision in Van Oord v Dragados
Case Update: Fraserburgh Harbour Commissioners v McLaughlin & Harvey Limited
Have you missed the bus? Final adjudication determination and notices of dissatisfaction
Extra-judicial settlement: A cautionary tale
Omissions: What are your rights?
The Sector Sessions: Issues facing the construction sector
Construction: Frequently Asked Questions (Part 1)
Is a valuation a valid payment notice under the Construction Act?
Scotland and the Building Safety Act 2022
Construction: Frequently Asked Questions (Part 2)
Collateral Warranties: Construction Contracts in Their Own Right?
Construction: Frequently Asked Questions (Part 3)
Construction Contracts: The Essentials
Construction: Frequently Asked Questions (Part 4)
Extension of Time Claims: A whistlestop introduction
Bad payment practices still rife in the Scottish construction sector, new research shows
Top tips for contractual notices
Force majeure in construction contracts: The basics
JCT announces next suite of updated contracts will be JCT 2024 Edition
Payment notices in Scottish construction contracts: A reminder
The Housing Grants, Construction & Regeneration Act 1996 – 25 Years On
New guidance on deciding when an adjudicator is bound by the decision in an earlier adjudication
When 'the Contractor' means 'the Contractor'
A timely reminder: Termination notices must not be given prematurely under SBCC/JCT (and other) contracts
Cladding remediation in Scotland: Developers' commitment to Scottish Ministers
RAAC problems in UK buildings
Scottish Government publishes Housing (Cladding Remediation) (Scotland) Bill
Important results of recent research into adjudication published
CICV research indicates continuing payment problems in the Scottish construction sector
Lessons in Payment Notices and Pay Less Notices
New Legal Rules for Retention in the Construction Sector?
Creativity is key for Scottish commercial real estate
Achieving net zero emissions in buildings - what can we expect?
What is the adjudication process? Do I need an expert or a lawyer?
New rules for collecting VAT in the construction industry
Importance of Limitation Clauses in Collateral Warranties
Construction defects and prescription - ignore at your peril
CDM Regulations 2015 - transitional arrangements
Builders missives - risks and standardisation
Can the Golden Brick Road have pot-holes?
Designs Liability
‘Smash and grab’ and ‘true value’ in the same adjudication?
Give that notice … it’s a condition precedent for recovering loss and expense under SBCC/JCT contracts
Time to think twice about serial adjudication?
The Importance of Getting Construction Contracts Down in Writing
Landmark Supreme Court ruling: Adjudication will not be available to deal with disputes under most collateral warranties
FES Limited v HFD Construction Group Limited - Scottish Appeal Court upholds judge's decision
Employers Beware: Termination by Contractors made easier
Scottish Infrastructure Investment: Between the Budgets
The Grenfell Inquiry Report: What does it mean for Scotland's construction sector?
In conversation with Len Bunton,. Chair of the Steering Group of the Conflict Avoidance Coalition
Data Protection
The serious consequences of CV fraud
Fitness to Practise and Regulatory Hearings
An Empowering Decision for Women across the UK: Asda Stores Ltd v Brierley and Others
Mencap: UK Supreme Court Finds against Sleep-in Workers in NMW Case
K and Ors v Tesco Stores Ltd: Another Key Decision in the Fight for Equal Pay
Cummins Ltd v Mohammed: Dismissing for Misconduct and Section 15 Claims
The EAT Has Decided That a Belief as to the Immutability of Sex is Protected under the Equality Act 2010
Could Menopause Be the New Protected Characteristic under the Equality Act 2010?
School’s Dismissal of Teacher Charged with Possession of Indecent Images Was Fair for SOSR
Is a Belief in Climate Change Protected under the Equality Act?
Disability status and knowledge: Court of Appeal rejects employee’s appeal in Russian gang case
Case update – Royal Mail v Efobi
Unfair Dismissal Case Update – Krolik v Youngs Seafood Limited
Redundancy Appeal Case Update - Gwynedd County Council v Barratt and another
“Long COVID" - tips for employers
Flexible working – the “right to request”, not the “right to have”
The latest position on historic holiday pay claims: Smith v Pimlico Plumbers
Is Scotland moving to a four-day working week?
25% Acas Code uplifts correct as EAT endorses four-step guidance
Two sides of the same coin: Court of Appeal upholds aggregated claim to paid annual leave in landmark decision
Can a dental practice be held liable for the actions of self-employed contractors? Non-delegable duties and vicarious liability mean the answer is potentially yes
To be a worker or not to be a worker: That is (still) the question
Employment Law Newsletter: Summer 2022
The first legal ruling on the issue of long COVID as a disability
Paying Employment Tribunal Awards: Employers, Mind the Cap!
Providing agency workers in strike situation no longer a criminal offence
Flexible Working: A Day One Right
Government to introduce new laws setting minimum service levels during strike action
Can a date taken from a "without prejudice" letter be the effective date of termination in an unfair dismissal claim?
Inadequate toilet facilities in the workplace amounted to sex discrimination
Tipping point: New legislation to prevent withholding tips from workers
New employment protections for parents and carers
Employment Tribunal awards over £100,000 in compensation to Maya Forstater for gender critical belief discrimination
Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023: What will the new flexible working rules mean for your business?
Childcare Disparity and Flexible Working: Employer needs (sometimes) prevail
New National Living and Minimum Wage levels confirmed for 2024
Supreme Court Rules in Favour of Part-Time, Fee-Paid Judges in Their Battle for a Right to a Pension – Miller and Others v Ministry of Justice
The Illegality Defence: Is an Illegal Employment Contract Always Unenforceable?
Winter Equality News Round Up
Can time finally be called on sexual harassment?
Court finds UK Government of Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill was lawful
What to expect in employment law in 2024 webinar
Gender recognition certificate changes a person's sex for purposes of the Equality Act 2010
Raising contractual grievance does not prevent constructive dismissal claim
Multiple family friendly rights in force from 6 April
Employment Law Round Up - January 2024
Indirect discrimination awards likely to be true cost of inflexible working regimes
Regulator's decision to investigate did not justify reducing Employment Tribunal award
New National Living and Minimum Wage levels confirmed for 2024
Equality Act amended to reproduce EU derived discrimination protections
Employer liability for backdated holiday pay just got a whole lot bigger
Employment tribunal award statistics published - 2022/2023
Sickness absence rates at highest level for 10 years
Data protection in the workplace - detailed guidance on processing workers' health data published
Recognising the impact menopause can have on workplace performance
Burnout in the workplace
Autumn Equality News Round Up
Where are we with ethnicity pay gap reporting
Loss of equal pay protection to be addressed via domestic legislation
The biggest issues in equality right now? Gender recognition reform and the definition of "woman"
Employment Law Round Up - September 2023
4 years, 3 job applications, £2k in compensation and 1 phone call
ACAS publish updated guidance on managing holidays, sickness and leave
Three important things to do if you are facing fitness to practise proceedings
What can employers do to support breastfeeding employees?
Good news for people living with amyloidosis
Bill implementing changes to flexible working regime becomes law
Employment Law Round Up - August 2023
Managing conflicting beliefs in the workplace
Paternity leave to become more flexible
Why are so many big businesses getting national minimum wage wrong?
Why employer preparations for the new flexible working rights should be underway now
Legal advice privilege did not apply to draft investigation report
Employment Law Round Up - July 2023
Is a holiday worth less on termination?
BSI publish menstruation, menstrual health and menopause in the workplace standard
New guidance for employers on responding to subject access requests
Family-friendly rights set to go further
Employment Law Round Up - June 2023
Post Brexit changes to employment legislation announced as sunset clause abandoned
Non-compete restrictions to be limited to three months
World Whistleblowers Day 2023
Working days lost to sickness absence at record high
New ACAS guidance on managing stress published
Have I been unfairly dismissed?
At risk of redundancy? What you need to know.
Raising an employment tribunal claim - what you need to know
Dismissed with less than 2 years' service? What you need to know.
Mental health issues at work - what you need to know
Am I being discriminated against at work?
Employment Law Round Up - May 2023
Ethnicity pay gap reporting guidance published
Is saying "I'm done" enough to terminate employment?
Employment Law Fact Card 2023/24
Back where we started with gender pay gap
What is the greatest challenge for senior HR decision-makers in 2023?
Employment Law Round Up - April 2023
A balancing act - justifying discrimination
Employment Law Round Up - March 2023
April 2023 Employment Law Changes
What employment rights will disappear as a result of the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill?
How can employers better support working mums to return to the workplace?
Term time worker entitled to national minimum wage for unworked hours
#LoveWhereYouWork: a closer look at Twitter through the lens of Scottish employment law
Ghosting - the new workplace trend for 2023?
Are employees entitled to the Coronation bank holiday?
Employee entitled to reasonable expectation of privacy in relation to WhatsApp messages
Employment Law Round Up - February 2023
Strike action in the public sector – what effect will the legislation have?
Should additions to the list of protected characteristics be made?
Darren Rodgers v Leeds Laser Cutting Limited - Court of Appeal rule on Covid automatic unfair dismissal health and safety case
Impact on other employees is a relevant factor when considering whether an adjustment is reasonable
Latest annual employment tribunal compensation award statistics published - 2021/2022
Employment Law Round Up - January 2023
Whatever happened to the Employment Bill?
What to expect in employment law in 2023
Employment Law Round Up - December 2022
Employment Law Review of the Year - 2022
When is a dismissal not a dismissal?
ONS statistics show improvement in gender pay gap
How can employers help with the cost of living crisis?
Employment Law Round Up - November 2022
Serious consequences of "minor" misconduct
Redundancy consultation - falling at the first hurdle
Settlement agreement cannot waive unknown future discrimination claims
Online platform supporting mental health launched
What to do if your employee has lied on their CV
Employment Law Round Up - October 2022
New ACAS guidance on suspension
Racism at work is a multifaceted problem
Employment Law Round Up - September 2022
High cost of lack of clarity
Running hot and cold - will menopause ever be a protected characteristic?
UK Government response to employment status consultation
Claimant discriminated against over gender critical views
Lack of belief in transgenderism protected under the Equality Act 2010
Calculating injury to feelings compensation awards in discrimination claims
Employer's intent to end employment relationship not necessary for constructive dismissal
Employment Tribunal finds long Covid to be a disability
Virtual hearings in the General Teaching Council for Scotland
How can employers support carers' rights?
Employment Law Round Up - June 2022
Failure to provide facilities for expressing milk found to be harassment
Women are leaving their job because of menopause
Employment Bill conspicuous by its absence from Queen's Speech
Evolving language, sexual harassment and the reasonable steps defence
Employment Law Round Up - May 2022
New Statutory Code of Practice to be issued on "fire and rehire" practices
2022 CIPD & Simplyhealth annual workplace health and wellbeing survey
Employment Law Round Up - April 2022
Dismissal for raising grievances - fair or unfair?
April 2022 Employment Law Changes
Possession is not nine tenths of the law
P&O Ferries Dismissals
Performance of minimum amount of work not required for worker status
Does resignation plus PILON equal dismissal?
Disabled Access Day
Employment Law Round Up - March 2022
Agency workers - no legal right to apply for vacancies
Is everyone entitled to the Platinum Jubilee bank holiday?
Misclassification of workers will be costly mistake
Care worker who refused vaccine fairly dismissed
Employers cutting sick pay for unvaccinated employees
What else is happening in employment law? - February 2022
Regulated sectors and the dangers of social media
Agreement to extend decision period for flexible working request must be clear
New type of pension & state pension age review
What to expect in employment law in 2022
What else is happening in employment law? - December 2021
Employment Law Review of the Year 2021
Must employers consult with disciplined employee about appropriate sanction?
Calculating NMW - as easy as 1,2,3?
New ACAS guidance on "fire and re-hire" practice
Supreme Court judgment limits employer ability to "bypass" collective bargaining procedures
Employment Law Essentials - Winter 2021
Discrimination Cases Round up
What's New in Discrimination Law?
Redundancy of homeworker was indirect disability discrimination by association
What else is happening in employment law? - November 2021
Early analysis suggests gender pay gap has widened
Guidance on whistleblowing disclosures
Compulsory Retirement Policy
Employer's knowledge in disability discrimination claims
UK Government announcements indicate some progress on new employment rights
What else is happening in employment law? - October
Should part-time employee be given a break on every shift if full time employees are?
Whistleblowing and employer liability
Settlement Agreements - Employee FAQs
Equality Bulletin
Employment Law Bulletin
A step-by-step guide for removing senior executives
Monitoring home workers
Long Covid - lessons for Local Government employers
Returning to work and employees' fears
Duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace to be introduced
What else is happening in employment law? - August
Teacher accused but not prosecuted of possessing indecent images of children was fairly dismissed
ECJ rules policy banning religious dress was not discriminatory
Relevant and up to date medical evidence crucial in sickness absence dismissals
Tribunal should take account of "childcare disparity" in sex discrimination claim
Artificial intelligence and algorithms in the workplace
UK Government confirm no intention to ban fire and re-hire practices
July - what else is happening in employment law?
Equality News - June 2021
Creation of single enforcement body for employment rights confirmed
Position on availability of interim relief in discrimination claims clarified
Employment law reform timeline
Could dismissal for a trip amount to disability discrimination?
Police officer not discriminated against in relation to non-payment of allowance during maternity leave
Employment Tribunal Discrimination Round-up June 2021
Unintentional indirect discrimination
Do men have less protection from discrimination in relation to childcare responsibilities?
Gender critical beliefs protected under Equality Act 2010
EAT finds inability to grant interim relief in discrimination claims unlawful
Which philosophical beliefs are worthy of protection from discrimination?
What else is happening in employment law? - June
Menopausal symptoms found to be disability
Absence of obligation to offer or perform work not fatal to worker status
Manner in which H&S activities performed not separable from performance of activities
Employment Bill omitted from Queen's Speech
What else is happening in employment law? - May
UK Employers Spending Billions on Conflict Every Year - but is there an easy alternative?
Employer's view on capability pivotal to assessment of practicability of re-engagement
Employment Tribunal - Discrimination Round-up April 2021
What's new in Equality Law - April 2021
Male employee on Shared Parental Leave could not compare his treatment with a female on Adoption Leave
Asda case: women working in stores can compare their pay with male comparators in distribution centres
Disability Discrimination
Shared Parental Leave (SPL) - A quick guide
Senior executive severance arrangements and dismissals
What family friendly employment rights are employees entitled to?
Employment tribunal awards
A guide to employment law in Scotland, England & Wales
Unfair dismissal
Employment law changes - April 2021
Pimlico Plumbers successfully defend worker's holiday pay claim
What else is happening in employment law? - April 2021
Removal of lay magistrate for opposition to same sex adoption not religious discrimination
No NMW entitlement for hours spent asleep on the job
Transfer to multiple employers possible under SPC
Settlement Agreements - what you need to know
Preview of April 2021 employment law changes
Disclosure still in public interest despite primary private purpose
EHRC announces six month suspension of enforcement action on gender pay gap reporting
March - what else is happening in employment law?
Cap on public sector exit payments requiring UK Government approval revoked
Uber "workers" firmly in the driving seat
Can employees covertly film their employer?
"Stale" diversity training won't protect employer from liability for harassment
Changes to IR35 are coming to the private sector…..
Raising grievance does not preclude constructive unfair dismissal claim
Employee's trade union activity renders disciplinary sanction unlawful
Employment Tribunal Discrimination Round-up January 2021
What's new in equality law?
Gender Pay Gap Reporting - what do you need to do in 2021?
Ethnicity Pay Gap Reporting - Where are we now?
Agency Workers Regulations - pragmatic equality of rights
January - what else is happening in employment law?
Court of Appeal confirms whistleblowing disclosures can be aggregated
Collective consultation - hindsight is a wonderful thing
2020 employment law review of the year
Payments owed to employees in insolvency
Cost cutting versus absence of means
Monitoring employees working from home - why less is more
November - what else is happening in employment law?
Dismissal for posting homophobic views on Facebook not religious discrimination
Significant changes made to Job Support Scheme
Employment tribunal award statistics published - 2019/2020
Gender fluid and non-binary people protected by Equality Act
Reputational damage: why it is essential to be clear about allegations that could lead to dismissal
New redundancy podcast series
Dismissal following marriage breakdown not discriminatory
Changes to calculation of Post-Employment Notice Pay
Cycle couriers still workers despite change to terms and conditions
Procedure not always pre-requisite for fair dismissal
UK wide restriction on public sector exit payments imminent
What is happening in employment law? (August 2020)
Employer's reliance on anonymous witness was reasonable
Tribunal can recommend employer offers severance package as a reasonable adjustment
TUPE - when everyone gets a share of the cake
Should employees have the right to appeal against redundancy?
Failure to offer an alternative to a Settlement Agreement can be discriminatory
Constructive dismissal case highlights importance of proper redundancy procedure
What else is happening in employment law? (July)
The Gender Pay Gap: The Risks of Not Reporting
Have domestic courts and tribunals been getting it wrong when it comes to worker status?
Online Employment Mediation Service FAQs
Constructive dismissal - can there be more than one straw breaking the camel's back?
What is the future for Employment Tribunal hearings?
New Legislation, Guidance & Consultations - May 2020
Supreme Court overturns finding that employer was vicariously liable for assaults by medical examiner
European Court of Justice confirms remarks with no victim can be unlawful discrimination
Guilty until proven innocent
Changes to holidays and gender pay gap reporting
Employment law in the news - April 2020
April 2020 employment law changes
Spring budget - employment law implications
What should businesses do to prepare for the new immigration system?
Broadening of right to be accompanied under discussion
Employment law in the news - March 2020
New Legislation, Guidance & Consultations - March 2020
Maternity pay - 1: Shared parental pay - 0
Disabled employee who was not absent fairly dismissed
Court decision on Shareholders' Agreement restrictive covenants welcomed by businesses
New Immigration system proposals announced
When is a detriment not a detriment?
Only apply if you are willing to work flexibly……
Sensitive personality traits: a hidden gem for employers?
What to do when the Home Office suspend your Sponsor Licence
Migration Advisory Committee report into the future immigration system
Employment law in the news - February 2020
Changes to employment documentation in April 2020
New Legislation, Guidance & Consultations - February 2020
An investigation meeting is not always required for fair dismissal
UK Government launches review of the changes to off-payroll working (IR35)
Stark warning for employers without clear pay systems
5 ways to deal more effectively with subject access requests
Do workers transfer under TUPE?
When the reason for dismissal isn't the reason for dismissal
2019 Employment Law Review of the Year
New Legislation, Guidance & Consultations - December 2019
Non Disclosure Agreements - where are we now?
Sick workers only entitled to carry forward 4 weeks holiday
Immigration and employment law interaction
Changes to off-payroll working rules - IR35
Solo regulated firms unaware of SM&CR requirements
Mediation as the new normal?
65 Not Out
Religious Beliefs & Discrimination: Update
Ready, steady, fire.
Employers can covertly film employees……sometimes
Employment Law in the News - November 2019
Is Poor Mental Health A Crisis Employers Can Cope With?
New Legislation, Guidance & Consultations - November 2019
Workplace Wellbeing - November 2019
Threat to Dismiss is Unlawful Detriment
Stereotypes in Discrimination Law
Anti Transgender views and Equality Act Protection
Altered Investigation Report Did Not Make Dismissal Unfair
Employment law in the news - October 2019
New Legislation, Guidance & Consultations - October 2019
When an Insolvent Employer owes money to Employees - what are the options available to employees
Is privacy at work a thing of the past?
Workplace wellbeing - September 2019
Vegetarianism a "lifestyle choice" not weighty or serious enough to gain protection under Equality Act
Whistleblowing & public interest under scrutiny again
Effect of discrimination more important than cause when assessing compensation
Suspended employee constructively dismissed
Cancelled holidays and the implications for workers
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) - what are an employer's obligations?
Employment Tribunal Awards Statistics 2018/2019
Employment law in the news - September 2019
New Legislation, Guidance & Consultations - September 2019
Workplace wellbeing - August 2019
Agency Workers Regs don't require equality of hours
Holidays for term time workers should not be subject to pro-rata reduction
Employee caught out by evidence found on his phone
Should employers audio record disciplinary proceedings?
Claimants can seek to protect funds for potential future employment tribunal awards via civil court action
"Health is everyone's business" - a step too far?
Employment law in the news - August 2019
Workplace wellbeing - July 2019
New Legislation, Guidance & Consultations - August 2019
ONS publishes first official ethnicity pay gap statistics
Holiday pay should include voluntary overtime
Posting on personal Facebook page not "in course of employment"
Redundancy protection for pregnant women and new parents to be extended
Covert recording of disciplinary hearing is misconduct
Discrimination claim based on perceived disability upheld
True evangelism or improper proselytism or just a failure to follow a reasonable instruction?
Employment law in the news - June 2019
Proactivity is often the answer when dealing with difficult employees
Allegations against a colleague were in the public interest
Workplace wellbeing - June 2019
Breach of duty, privacy and half a million pounds
New Legislation, Guidance & Consultations - July 2019
Northern Irish Court of Appeal casts doubt on limitation of holiday pay claims
Non-disclosure agreements in cases of discrimination
New Legislation, Guidance & Consultations - June 2019
Mention of depression at disciplinary appeal leads to discriminatory dismissal
Isolated incident of harassment does not limit injury to feelings award
Top ten tips for handling flexible working applications
ECJ upholds stringent working time record keeping requirement
Brexit: The Changing World of Work?
On call workers and minimum wage
Gig Economy Update - May 2019
Are company directors personally liable for a breach of an employment contract?
Can discrimination arising from disability be based on an employee's mistaken belief?
New Legislation, Guidance & Consultations - May 2019
Workplace wellbeing - CIPD health and well-being survey
Gender Pay Gap Round 2 - has anything changed?
Gender pay gap countdown
April 2019 employment law changes
EAT judgement on compensatory rest overturned
Employment law in the news - April 2019
Gig economy update
Is sending an email to the wrong email address of an employee on maternity leave discriminatory?
Consultation on the use of confidentiality clauses
Was the suspension of an employee a breach of contract?
WS Society employment law conference
Criminal records disclosure - time to think again?
Employment law in the news - March 2019
Workplace wellbeing
Religious discrimination - whose belief is it anyway?
New Legislation, Guidance & Consultations - March 2019
Working time - keeping records of hours worked
Employment law in the news - February 2019
New Legislation, Guidance & Consultations - February 2019
Gender Pay Gap Countdown (2)
National Minimum Wage - where does it go wrong?
Defamation complaint was not a protected disclosure
Consultation on extending redundancy protection for women and new parents launched
Pay Gap Reporting - how far should it go?
How to carry out a right to work check
2019 - What to expect in employment law
Employment law in the news - January 2019
Uber loses Court of Appeal employment status case
Dismissal, implied terms and long term disability benefits
Understanding Brexit and Immigration - Presentation for employers
The Good Work Plan
High profile holiday pay case settles
Pay parity and the Part time Workers Regulations
Withholding evidence from disciplinary panel not unfair
Paternity leave and inequality
Bumping: How far must employers go to avoid a finding of unfair dismissal?
Negative reference meant decision to withdraw job offer was discriminatory
Personal liability for whistleblowing dismissal
Refusal to provide cake supporting gay marriage is not discrimination
Unreasonable ill health early retirement process is not disability discrimination
Low bar for establishing "good faith" in victimisation claims
Employment Tribunal awards statistics - awards down despite surge in claims
Settlement agreements
Enforcement of awards in the employment tribunal
Depression and employment rights
TUPE transfer can take place after 5 month break
Disability discrimination and consideration of part-time working
No pay if you are asleep on the job
What can the menopause tell us about disability discrimination?
Disability discrimination and sickness absence
Statutory extension of qualifying service in gross misconduct cases
Whistleblowing - can an allegation constitute a protected disclosure?
Disciplinary hearings and criminal investigations - no easy answer
Landmark decision - discrimination arising from disability
Summary dismissal without gross misconduct
Supreme Court upholds clause restricting informal variation of contract
When is notice of termination effective from?
Shared parental pay and enhanced maternity pay
Dismissing employees with less than two years' service
TUPE: Fragmentation, identifying the relevant activity and service provision change
Is an expectation of working long hours a PCP?
Holiday pay for workers with irregular hours
Can an employee who refuses to work following a discriminatory demotion be fairly dismissed?
Termination date loophole may leave protected conversations unprotected
Failing to carry out risk assessment for breastfeeding employee may be discriminatory
The importance of Right to Work audits
EAT rules that female staff can compare themselves to males working in different establishments
New Guidelines for Injury to Feelings Compensation
Employment Tribunal Award Statistics 2016/17
Calculation of Pension Loss in the Employment Tribunal
Personal liability for whistleblowing detriment claims
Employer pension contributions count towards a week's pay
When does written notice of termination take effect?
Can gross negligence equate to gross misconduct
CIPD publish report on effective performance management
Dismissal for multiple reasons unfair
Interim Interdicts and Company Directors
New voluntary judicial assessment process in England and Wales but not Scotland
Employment Tribunal Awards Statistics 2015-2016
More than half of women have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace
Alternative sanctions and gross misconduct
ACAS Code does not apply to all dismissals
Settlement discussions and the without prejudice rule
What are the employment law implications of the UK leaving the EU?
An Employer's Constructive Knowledge Of A Disability
ADHD and Disability in terms of the Equality Act 2010?
Is your staff absence policy contractual
Contacting an employee while on sick leave amounted to a fundamental breach of contract
Penalties for unpaid awards and settlements
Tribunal Judgments provide guidance on ACAS Early Conciliation
Is a requirement to undergo a competitive interview disability discrimination?
Risk of personal liability for failure to collectively consult
Penalty clauses - New approach by Supreme Court
Whistleblowing - Breach of contract and the public interest test
Employment Tribunal Awards statistics 2014 - 2015
Remediation of misconduct in professional regulatory proceedings
Should an employer postpone a disciplinary hearing when a grievance is raised?
Bullying in the workplace
Settlement agreements and High Court decisions
Changes to the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures
Loss of professional registration and unfair dismissal
ACAS early conciliation statistics - a roaring success?
Tattoos in the workplace
Healthcare regulation - disciplinary hearings
Employment law and criminal conduct outwith the workplace
Compensation awards in discrimination claims survey
Differences in employment law between Scotland and England
Report finds that one fifth of staff fail probationary period or have it extended
How to avoid discrimination when recruiting staff
The fine line between volunteers and employees
How to succeed in your visa application: A guide for entrepreneurs
ACAS code of practice
Has the pendulum of power swung in favour of the employer?
Defending an employment tribunal claim
Covert surveillance: secret recordings in the workplace
UK unfair dismissal law: engaging the European Convention of Human Rights
Constructive dismissal
TUPE regulations amended as of 31 January
Oprah Winfrey case highlights difficulties of dealing with society's embedded prejudices
Employment tribunal statistics 2012 - 2013
New ET1 and ET3 forms
Compensation awards in discrimination cases
What can employers ask employees about their retirement plans?
When is depression a disability?
Constructive Dismissal – Can the grievance procedure resolve the issue?
Case law update - Redundancy
Awards of costs by employment tribunals
Employment law in the news - May 2019
Discrimination helpline for advisers and Vento bands update
What rights do employees have if they think they are not being paid properly?
Can you pay men on shared parental leave less than woman on maternity leave?
History of Employment Law
Unfair dismissal - furlough as an alternative to redundancy
Pay protection as a reasonable adjustment
What else is happening in employment law? - September 2021
Menstrual leave - could suffering in silence from period pain at work be a thing of the past?
Employment Law Round Up - November 2023
Consultation on draft Acas Code of Practice on handling requests for a predictable working pattern
Employer duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace in force in 2024
What to expect in employment law in 2024
2023 Employment Law Review of the Year
What will the next general election mean for employment law?
Can bonus clawback provisions restrict an employee's ability to work elsewhere?
Carer’s Leave Act now in force
Employment Law Round Up - December 2023
What's your Employment Claim - The Importance of Identifying the Correct Legal Grounds
Kennedy v Cordia (Services) LLP [2016] UKSC 6: Employer's requirements in relation to risk assessments and provision of personal protective equipment
Zero hour contracts causing trouble again
Gig Economy Watch
Equal Pay: Job Evaluation scheme not valid
Is "general workforce consultation" needed for individual redundancy to be fair?
Employment Law Round Up - July 2022
Employment Law Round Up - October 2023
Changes to holiday pay, TUPE and working time confirmed
UK Government progressing changes to strike laws
Effective adjustments for dealing with hormonal fluctuations in the workplace
Is climate change the stick we need to make us truly embrace more agile ways of working?
Employment tribunal finds employee's paranoid delusions were not a disability
Increased fines for illegal working - what do employers need to do to protect their business?
Employment tribunal compensation limit increases for unfair dismissal awards
Essential Employment Law Webinar: Employment law question time - November 2023
Essential Employment Law Webinar: New laws on preventing sexual harassment in the workplace
Transgender equality in the workplace webinar
Updated "Fire and Rehire" Code of Practice to "crack down" on unscrupulous employers
New guidance on menopause in the workplace published
How much should an employer be expected to know about the effects of an employee's disability?
April 2024 employment law changes
Anti-Zionist beliefs qualify as protected philosophical belief
The Crucial Role of Settlement Agreements: Ability to Settle Future Claims?
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: the what, why and how
Deadnaming: out of order in Kingston Upon Thames
Extending equal pay rights to race and disability - right idea but wrong method?
Where are we with holiday pay?
Supreme Court judgment: employers cannot use 12.07% calculation for part year workers
Introduction of equal pay rights covering ethnicity and disability - right idea but wrong implementation?
Dismissal and re-engagement: complying with the new statutory Code of Practice
A brief guide to your employment rights
Navigating Work and Terminal Illness
Compensation increases for injury to feelings
Employment Law Round Up - April 2024
Sharing personal data in mental health emergencies
Significant developments in relation to the law on strikes
Trial period may be a reasonable adjustment
Where are employers getting it wrong with national minimum wage?
Can a trial period in a new role be considered as a reasonable adjustment?
Employment Law Fact Card 2024/25
Universities duties under Equality Act 2010 clarified by High Court
Digital Departures
Employment Law Round Up - March 2024
The EHRC assists the High Court to clarify the duties of universities under the Equality Act 2010
Dismissed gender critical teacher not discriminated against
Discrimination, harassment, victimisation and constructive dismissal: the cost of getting the balance between conflicting beliefs wrong
Spring Equality News Round Up
Can a settlement agreement settle future unidentified claims?
Conducting disciplinary and grievance investigations webinar
Employee monitoring and home working
Stand By Your Client: What happens at mediation?
Can a 'social media storm' justify a dismissal?
New employer guidance available on new family-friendly employment rights
Gender critical teacher not unfairly dismissed or discriminated against
Trade union law fails to protect striking workers from detriment
Potential pitfalls of using biometric recognition equipment in employment
Employment Law Round Up - May 2024
"Unusual and rare" - the case of the fair dismissal that didn't follow procedure
Employment Tribunal hearings insight
Essential Employment Law Webinar: Protected conversations and settlement agreements
Industrial action and detriments short of dismissal: incompatible with human rights?
Gender pay gap reduced to lowest level since mandatory reporting introduced
Employment Law 2024 / 2025
EAT provides holiday pay guidance in light of the Supreme Court decision in Agnew
Employment Law Round Up - June 2024
£4.5 million award for dismissal during probationary period
What would a Labour win in the general election mean for Employment Law?
General Election 2024: Labour propose major changes to employment law
Essential Employment Law Webinar: What to expect in employment law if Labour win the next general election
Labour Party Manifesto: what could a Labour win in the general election mean for Employment Law?
Adams v Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre: when are gender-critical beliefs protected?
The AI Employment Bill
Are we seeing a shift back to office-based working?
Redundancy consultation at a "formative stage" under scrutiny again
Employment Law Round Up - July 2024
Continuing employment did not affect waiver of future unidentified claims under a settlement agreement
The Four Day Working Week
The King's Speech - no surprises but some clarity on employment law related legislative priorities
The King’s Speech - Employment law reform
Will the new Government change the rules for business immigration?
Contracts of apprenticeship in Scotland and the risks of terminating early
National Minimum Wage - can't do right for doing wrong?
A little care gets you there - avoiding redundancy pitfalls in light of increased maternity protections
Balancing rights in the workplace and the risk of direct discrimination
Employment Law Round Up - August 2024
Employers must take action to prevent third party harassment
Stonewall - third party not liable for inducing employer's discrimination
Managing poor performance in the workplace
Sexual harassment changes are imminent - are employers ready?
High Court finds school's prayer ban is lawful
High Court upholds prohibition order on teacher who misgendered a pupil
Equality Case Law - what's new?
Finding a work/life balance - as easy as flicking a switch?
When should employers accept the withdrawal of a resignation?
Employment Law Round Up - September 2024
Summer Equality News Round-Up
Is the Scottish approach to protection of part-time workers wrong?
A look at SOSR dismissals in the context of covid vaccinations - what does an employer need to do to show a fair dismissal?
Essential Employment Law Webinar Preventing Sexual Harassment at Work
Workplace Accidents: Key Steps for Employers
Labour Government confirms intentions around upcoming employment legislation
New duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace
Employment Law Round Up - October 2024
Supporting Disabled Workers with Hybrid Working
"Once in a generation" overhaul of employment rights
The annual employment tribunal award statistics have been published for 2023/2024
Top tips on the Tipping Act
What can employers learn from the equal pay case against Next?
Employment Rights Bill - consultations open
Employment Rights Bill and Trade Unions
How does the Employment Rights Bill impact equality law?
The Employment Right's Bill, day 1 rights and flexible working
Unfair dismissal as a day 1 right - what employers need to know
Employment Rights Bill and security of employment
Employment Law Round Up - November 2024
UK Employment Tribunal award statistics - 2023/2024
Can employers require employees to download work-related apps to their personal phone?
Can attempts to provide support equate to harassment?
Sexual harassment and the new EHRC guidance
EHRC Code of Practice for services public functions and associations updated
Gender pay gap report continues decade-long downward trend
Employment Law Round Up - December 2024
What makes a belief "protected" under the Equality Act 2010?
Employment law webinar: menopause and menstrual health
2024 Employment Law Review of the Year
Worker suffering migraine headaches was disabled
ERB - what is not in the Employment Rights Bill?
"General workforce consultation" not a requirement of good industrial relations practice
Redundancy protection for pregnant women and new mothers
Important Amendments to Employment Rights Bill
Conflict, Culture and Collaboration: Make workplace culture your New Year's Resolution
Mediation: Start them young
Getting it settled: Impropriety and protected conversations
What to expect in employment law in 2025
Employment Law Round Up - January 2025
Accent can be "related to" race for harassment purposes
What to expect in employment law in 2025 podcast
Employment law webinar: What to expect in employment law in 2025
The Employment Rights Bill: The practical steps you can take to prepare
Neonatal leave and pay - what to expect
Neurodivergence in the workplace - a tale of two tribunals
Employment Law Round Up - February 2025
Cases of workplace burnout are on the rise: why is it happening and how can employers reduce the risk?
Employment law webinar: Employment Rights Bill - Day 1 rights including unfair dismissal
Return to Office Mandates Raise Prospect of Legal Disputes Podcast
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